Daily Meditation: Sunday, August 29, 2010
Waves - from celestial regions; learning to capture them
The radio, the telephone, radar, the television and so on are some of the many practical applications of a single discovery: that waves travel through space. But why let science and technology be alone in exploiting this discovery? The waves that allow us to make telephone calls or follow radio or television programmes are not the only ones that travel through space. There are other even subtler waves; the air around us is saturated with currents, with messages we too can capture. For the Creator has, so to speak, equipped human beings with instruments that allow them to receive waves sent out by the most evolved spirits, the initiates, the angels, the archangels and all the heavenly entities. Why stay in communication only with humans, when all you hear from them are shouting, demands, rebellions and threats? It is time to learn to make use of the instruments the Lord has given us: the brain, of course, but also the solar plexus, the hara centre and the chakras, so that we can communicate with beings higher than us, harmonize with their wavelengths and enter into their happiness, their light and their peace.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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