Daily Meditation: Thursday, September 13, 2018
Wars - they have their origin on the psychic plane
What is a war? It is an imbalance on the scales of life. Yes, humans and countries have put all their grudges, ambitions and greed on one tray of these scales, but nothing to counterbalance them on the other tray. There then comes a time when the disproportion is such that violence prevails. It is impossible to prevent misunderstandings and hostilities between individuals and nations, but why must the negative tray of the scales tilt to the point where war would break out? Once hostilities are triggered, ministers, ambassadors and heads of states meet and bring the problem before the UN and so on, but by then it’s a bit late. Initiatic Science teaches that before a war is declared on the physical plane, it has already been declared up above on the psychic plane; those waging war on each other are the egregores and the collective beings of the countries at war. People are now aware of the power of thought and feelings. There is an accumulation of so many misunderstandings and grudges on the psychic plane that, one day, actions are bound to follow. Actions are always the consequence of thoughts and feelings.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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