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Daily Meditation: Sunday, June 30, 2024

Universe - comparison with a tree, from the roots to the fruit

The universe is like a tree. In fact, in many religious traditions the Cosmic Tree is a symbol of Creation. Depending on their degree of evolution, human beings dwell in either the roots, the trunk or the branches of this tree. The roots absorb elements from the earth; its leaves absorb light from the sun, which transforms the raw sap into the vital cell sap; its colourful, fragrant flowers prepare to become fruit, and the fruit not only provides nourishment for animals and people, it also contains the seeds from which other trees will be born. Roots, trunk and branches are all useful and beautiful in their own way, but who would not prefer to live in the branches of a tree, amongst the leaves, flowers and fruit, which are exposed to the light and warmth of the sun?*

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See the book Truth: Fruit of Wisdom and Love, chapter XVIII

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
