Daily Meditation: Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Suffering - opportunities for psychological work
Suffering is unpleasant, and it is natural to want to put an end to it immediately in whatever way you can. However, there are circumstances where it would be better not to always run away from suffering but instead to try to draw strength from it for a new life. For one of the properties of suffering is that it awakens qualities in human beings that would never appear in other conditions. This is why, when you are suffering physically or psychologically, tell yourself you have been given an opportunity to work intensely on yourself. Obviously, I am speaking here not of the unbearable pain that requires medication but of the general feeling of discomfort that so frequently occurs in daily life. Instead of trying to relieve it or forget it by using pills or other substances, it is better to take advantage of these obstacles to get down to work and become inwardly stronger. You will achieve this by not remaining focused on your suffering but using your mind to try to harmonize everything in your physical, astral and mental bodies. When this work is complete, you will often notice that your suffering has disappeared, precisely because the mental work you have done has succeeded in bringing harmony into your whole being.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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