Daily Meditation: Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Sephirotic Tree - it represents a mystical explanation of the world
Kabbalists divide the universe into ten regions or sephiroth. You will probably wonder, ‘Why ten? Is the universe really divided into ten regions?’ No, but there is something important here that you must understand. The Sephirotic Tree is not designed to teach us astronomy. The truth is that no one can say exactly what the universe is or how it was created. The Sephirotic Tree represents an explanation of the world that is mystical in nature. The foundations of this system were laid thousands of years ago, and the exceptional minds that devised it were obviously not aided by telescopes or long-distance lenses. It was through meditation, contemplation and an intense inner life that they were able to grasp a cosmic reality, which they translated using symbolic tales and images. ‘So,’ you will say, ‘why ten sephiroth?’ Because this number represents a totality, a finite whole, yet all possible numerical combinations stem from the first ten numbers. In the beginning, God created ten numbers, the ten sephiroth, and with these ten numbers He can create other numbers, that is to say, an infinite variety of existences.*
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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