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Daily Meditation: Monday, November 8, 2010

Self - our true, is one with God

When people say 'I', do they always know who they really mean? When they say, 'I am... ill or well, unhappy or happy; I want... money, a car, a wife; I have... this wish, that interest, the other opinion', they think they are talking of themselves, but that is where they are wrong. As humans have never studied themselves deeply enough to know their true nature, they identify at all times with the 'I' that is represented by their physical body, their instincts, their desires, feelings and thoughts. But if they were to try, now, to find themselves through study and meditation, they would actually discover that, beyond all appearances, their true self is one with God himself. For, in reality, there is not a multitude of separate beings but one Being working through all beings, giving them life and manifesting within them, even though they are not aware of it. Once they are able to sense this reality, humans will draw close to the divine Source from which they all originate.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
