'Sleep' (19)
Daily meditations... go to sleep try to dispel everything that might obscure your consciousness. Call on the highest thoughts and feelings to accompany you on the sacred journey you are about to make into the other world. You will then enter the new day with feeli...
Daily meditationsAt night, while you sleep, your conscious awareness is reduced, you are less vigilant and therefore more exposed to psychic attack. This is why you must pay particular attention to your state of mind when you fall asleep. The dark entities need ...
Daily meditations...In order to start the next day in a good mood, full of joy and hope, think the best thoughts you can before you go to bed, so that they can work in you during the night. Never fall asleep thinking negative thoughts, for thoughts continue to hav...
Daily meditationsIn the morning when you wake up, your mind may be fuddled, and it may be hard for you to reconnect with the creative, luminous powers of life. It depends a great deal on how you experienced the previous day, especially the hours just before ...
Daily meditationsEvery morning when you wake up, remember to look in your inner letterbox to find the messages left there while you were asleep. The soul actually detaches from the body during sleep, leaving for the invisible world, where it sees and learns many ...
Daily meditationsThe period between wakefulness and sleep is an important time of the day. Every evening, before going to bed, spend a little time with yourself, putting aside all that has preoccupied or troubled you during the day you have just lived through. Then ...
Daily meditationsDuring the course of the day you may feel a kind of weariness and the need to relax your attention and vigilance somewhat. This is normal, but then you are defenceless against evil entities that might try to enter you. So, ask the Lord, ‘Lord, I am ...
Daily meditations...e up, open your eyes consciously, and for a few minutes start to analyse your inner state, the thoughts and feelings that come to you. You will discover that you have received the solution to a problem, insights into a matter that is preoccupyi...
Daily meditations... go to sleep try to dispel everything that might obscure your consciousness. Call on the highest thoughts and feelings to accompany you on the sacred journey you are about to make into the other world. Tomorrow you will enter the new day with f...
Daily meditationsSome people are surprised to see themselves doing things in their dreams that they would be ashamed of doing in the waking state. But there's nothing surprising about that. They do not know that they should prepare for sleep every evening as if for ...
Daily meditationsAt night, while you sleep, your conscious awareness is reduced, and so you are more exposed and vulnerable. This is why you must pay particular attention to your state of mind when you fall asleep. The dark entities need materials and energy for ...
Daily meditationsWhen a disciple follows the teaching of a spiritual master, this teaching does not speak solely to the conscious part of his being. Even at night while he is sleeping, the true disciple goes to join his master with his astral body and continues to ...
Daily meditationsEveryday we see human beings running here and there, dynamic and enterprising. But, in fact, many are asleep. Yes, psychically, spiritually, they are in a deep sleep, which can be compared to sleep on the physical plane. Deep states of sleep are ...
Daily meditationsWhen your soul leaves your body during sleep, it is not inactive: it travels, it contemplates immensity, it communes with heavenly spirits, and it strengthens its understanding of love, wisdom and truth. On its return, it brings back the memory of ...
Daily meditationsWhen your soul leaves your body during sleep, it is not inactive – it travels, it contemplates immensity, it communes with heavenly spirits, and it strengthens its understanding of love, wisdom and truth. On its return, it brings back the memory of ...
Daily meditations...ours the crystallization of all your inner states. You must learn to fall asleep with the best thoughts and desires, because this helps manifest them....
Daily meditationsFrom the moment we fall asleep our soul moves away from our physical body and goes to join the universal Soul. During the body's rest, an entire process of cleansing and purification takes place. Subtle ties known as the 'silver cord' keep the soul ...
Daily meditationsMany researchers acknowledge having found the solution to the problems preoccupying them in their sleep. Indeed, during sleep, the soul travels and comes into contact with other worlds. When we hear about scientific research, we tend to imagine ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings are inhabited by ‘workers', and as we cross from wakefulness into sleep, these workers use everything within us as materials, as constructive or destructive forces. This is why you must be vigilant as you go to bed, avoiding all states ...