'Sensitivity' (13)
Daily meditationsThe more sensitive you become, the more likely you are to suffer over all that you see and hear around you. But should we become insensitive in order to avoid suffering? No, with such reasoning, we would quickly become as hard as rock. You must not ...
Daily meditationsThe spiritual evolution of a human being is accompanied by an increase in their sensitivity. The more our sensitivity increases the more abundant and intense our life becomes. If our sensitivity decreases we return to the animal, vegetable and ...
Daily meditationsWe say that someone who is easily wounded or offended is sensitive. No, true sensitivity means being completely open to the beauty and light of the divine world and closed to all the ugliness and absurdity of the human world. So, what is generally ...
Daily meditationsMost people are good-hearted and sensitive, but they have a strange way of showing their sensitivity. When they see an abandoned or mistreated child or poor people dying of hunger, or persecuted in a film or a play, they readily shed a few tears. ...
Daily meditationsIn order to live and confront all conditions in life, it is important to strengthen one's character. Otherwise, what can be done about people who are unable to bear the slightest difficulty, the slightest obstacle? This nervous sensitivity, which is ...
Daily meditationsSensitivity is not only the capacity to be moved by people, nature or works of art. It is a higher faculty that opens the doors to immensity and gives us an understanding of the divine order of things. It is what allows us to relate to the regions, ...
Daily meditationsWhat we call sensitivity is often only an unhealthy tendency to feel attacked and wounded at the slightest criticism or confrontation. Unfortunately, everyone has that kind of sensitivity; it is only too widespread, and it is not true sensitivity. ...
Daily meditationsWe say that someone who is easily wounded or offended is sensitive. No, true sensitivity means being completely open to the beauty and light of the divine world and closed to all the ugliness and absurdity of the human world. So, what is generally ...
Daily meditationsIt is important to know the difference between true sensitivity and unhealthy sensitivity, which is more touchiness or sentimentality. True sensitivity is a spiritual faculty that allows us to ascend very high and have access to a subtler world. ...
Daily meditationsThe main difference between the different realms of nature – minerals, plants, animals and human beings – is their degree of sensitivity, for evolution is directly proportional to sensitivity.Plants are more sensitive than stones, animals are more ...
Daily meditationsIt is important to distinguish between true sensitivity and the sickly hypersensitivity that should more properly be called susceptibility or sentimentality. True sensitivity is a faculty that enables us to travel far and to great heights, and to ...
Daily meditationsSuffering is linked to sensitivity. The more sensitive someone becomes, the more they suffer, but it is preferable to suffer and be sensitive than not to suffer and be like a stone. You must be sensitive without overdoing it and becoming mawkish and ...
Daily meditationsTrue sensitivity is complete openness to the divine world, that is, to beauty, love and truth, and a closed door to what is negative and obscure. The thin-skinned touchiness that makes people acutely aware of insults and offences is not true ...