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Result: 'Principles' (9)

Daily meditationsThe masculine principle is the emissive principle, which projects and inseminates, providing the seed of life. And the feminine principle is the principle that gathers and organizes to produce a finished, perfect piece. So the work of creation is ...
Daily meditationsSeen from the physical viewpoint only, human beings are either male or female and display the precise and immediately recognizable characteristics of one or the other. But from the psychic point of view, it is much more complex, as each person ...
Daily meditationsIn many Indian temples, you see the lingam, the symbol of Shiva, represented – a raised stem on a horizontal base. Those who give commentaries on the symbol often stop at the raised stem, which represents the phallus, the generative organ, the ...
Daily meditationsIn the book of Genesis we are told that God created the man, Adam, first and then the woman, Eve. And in the Hebrew bible, the first two letters of the name of God, the tetragramme c v c y, are yod y, corresponding to the masculine principle, and ...
Daily meditationsIn time, religions tend to become materialistic: they give increasing importance to form, and the spirit which once animated them is eventually lost. Of course, humans are not ready to live solely in the spirit, in principles; they need to rely on ...
Daily meditationsAll manifestation, all birth, is the product of the work of the two principles: the masculine, emissive principle, which projects, sows and provides the seed of life, and the feminine principle, which gathers and organizes to produce a finished, ...
Daily meditationsThe whole of the created universe, every manifestation of life and of nature, is the work of the two principles, the masculine and the feminine. And these two principles are a reflection, a repetition of the two divine creative principles: the ...
Daily meditationsWe must not reject the heritage bequeathed to us by the great spirits of the past. On the contrary, we must meditate on it and immerse ourselves in it. But this does not mean that we should conform to their philosophy in every detail. It is the ...
Daily meditationsAll human activity is the expression of two principles at work, masculine and feminine, which merge to create life. Consider a piece of choral music, for example. When a choir sings, and particularly when it sings mystical songs, the fusion of the ...