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'Peace' (16)

Daily meditationsSo many people believe that by changing their home, job, country, religion, husband or wife, they will at last find peace. A little quiet, some respite, possibly. But in no time, wherever they are, other torments will come to assail them. Why? ...
Daily meditations...e psychic level. Peace can find a home only in those who strive to nourish themselves with right thoughts and generous feelings. These people alone can bring peace to those around them: from every cell of their body, and from every particle of ...
Daily meditationsOne day you will leave the earth, and it is important that you feel in harmony with all creatures when it is time to leave. If there are some you are in conflict with, do not allow this situation to continue, and try to make your peace with them too,...
Daily meditationsThere has never been a period in human history when there were no wars. And yet, it cannot be denied that people want peace, and when war breaks out how many believers turn to the Lord to ask him to put an end to it! That's all very well, but ...
Daily meditationsIt is important that when their time comes to leave the earth each person should feel in harmony with all creatures. If there are some with whom they are still in conflict, they must not let this situation endure but also make their peace with them. ...
Daily meditationsJesus said, ‘Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.' What is the relationship between salt and this peace that must reign between beings? In some countries, guests are welcomed with an offering of salt and bread. What is being ...
Daily meditationsHave you seen wild animals in a circus? As long as the tamer is there, they keep quiet and obey him, but as soon as he leaves them, they growl and provoke each other and are ready to pounce on each other. Well, you should know that the same thing ...
Daily meditationsHumans believe that they will find peace by changing or removing something or someone exterior to them or who bothered them. And that's where they are wrong. Because peace is a state that we must first create within ourselves.Do not imagine you will ...
Daily meditationsPeace, true peace is a stable and constant inner state. Once you have really achieved it, you cannot no longer lose it. It follows you everywhere. You may say that life is but a series of ups and downs: successes and failures, abundance and poverty, ...
Daily so difficult, it is because everyone has particular needs they wish to satisfy. Some people's thoughts are lucid and wise, but passionate feelings have sidled into their heart making them lose all control. Others are full of the best intenti...
Daily meditationsIf you work on the idea of loving, doing good, forgiving and creating harmony around you, the day will come when this idea becomes so powerful that it will permeate all your cells, and they will begin to vibrate in unison with it. You will then ...
Daily meditationsMost people think that when they reach a certain age, their faculties will inevitably decline. Not only will they lose their teeth and hair along with the use of their legs, arms, eyes and ears, but they will also lose their memory and even their ...
Daily meditationsWhen you manage to achieve total inner peace for a few minutes, all the forces and entities within you that have until then not had the chance to manifest themselves are activated and ready to serve you; but as long as you live in a state of ...
Daily meditationsMany people think that they are strong enough to do whatever they like with impunity. No; if they do wrong, sooner or later they will suffer from the disorder* created within them by their bad actions, for their conscience will be troubled, and they ...
Daily remove the causes of war. And to live in a state of inner peace, we must learn to bring our thoughts, feelings and actions into harmony.*...
Daily meditationsDecide once and for all to put a stop to all the little sorrows, troubles and annoyances that poison your everyday life. Then you will at last begin to savour peace and freedom.Observe yourself, and you will see that your life is made difficult not ...