'Music' (17)
Daily meditationsNot only do human beings believe they have nothing to lose by cutting themselves off from universal harmony, but they are convinced that by detaching themselves from the laws of nature and struggling against them, they will gain freedom and become ...
Daily meditationsSome people claim they cannot listen to music, that they do not understand it. But what does this mean? It is not comprehension that counts in music, but the sensations you experience as a result of its vibrations, of the musical harmony. Do we ...
Daily meditations...sten to music: you feel uplifted and inclined to let your mind drift. Instead, try to focus your thoughts, on what you most ardently want to achieve. If you have a meeting with someone or have some work to complete, well, you can consciously pr...
Daily meditationsMusic is a language of creation. Since the dawn of time, this language has reverberated throughout the cosmos: God's wisdom, love and beauty manifest through it. From an initiatic point of view, music requires knowledge of the order of the world, of ...
Daily meditationsThe angels and all the heavenly beings live in harmony, which is why they are said to be attracted to music and singing. This belief has its origins in very ancient times. However far back you go in human history, you find that music and singing ...
Daily meditationsRunning streams, gushing springs, the falling rain, roaring torrents, the ceaseless motion of oceans and seas, the sound of the wind blowing, of leaves rustling, of insects chirping and birds singing… everything in nature is music. And from the dawn ...
Daily meditationsMusic is a power. It inspires emotions, feelings; it is rousing. But that is not enough. Emotions, feelings and fervour must be given direction, and the right direction presupposes a philosophy, a wisdom. In a philosophy conceived by initiates, ...
Daily meditationsWhen we perform mystic songs with an awareness of their power and with the desire to harmonize with the cosmic order, we attract angels. They come close and say, ‘Here is a suitable place for us.' They come to settle in the higher regions of our ...
Daily meditations... yourself into space but also to create. Music facilitates mental work: instead of allowing your thoughts to drift, you should, on the contrary, be conscious and engage your mind, so that you can achieve something beautiful and noble inside you...
Daily meditationsAngelic beings appreciate harmony and are attracted by music and singing. This is a belief that goes back to very ancient times. However far back we go in human history, sacred ceremonies have been accompanied by music and singing. Celestial beings ...
Daily meditationsNot only do human beings believe they have nothing to lose by cutting themselves off from universal harmony, but they are convinced that by struggling against the laws of nature and detaching themselves from them, they will gain freedom and become ...
Daily meditationsSome people claim they cannot listen to music, that they do not understand it. But what does this mean? It is not comprehension that counts in music, but the sensations you experience as a result of its vibrations, of the musical harmony. Do we ...
Daily meditationsEach hour of the day is influenced by a planet and the beings who inhabit it. So, each hour that goes by brings with it beings who work on plants, minerals, animals and human beings. And since each planet is associated not only with a specific ...
Daily meditationsWhere music is concerned, it is not so much our intellectual understanding that matters, as the feelings aroused in us by the sounds, vibrations and harmonies. Do we understand the song of birds, of running water, or of the wind in the branches? No, ...
Daily meditationsThe greatest mistake that human beings make is to imagine that by cutting themselves off from universal harmony and refusing to obey the laws of nature, they will have more freedom, more riches, and be happier and more powerful. Well, not at all; ...
Daily meditationsMusic speaks to us of our celestial heritage. From the dawn of time, the language of music has resounded through the cosmos. It is through music that God manifests His love and beauty. From the initiatic point of view, music supposes a knowledge of ...
Daily meditationsMusic, true music such as it is understood by the Initiates, is not just the audible arrangement of sounds created by human beings. When Initiates speak of the ‘music of the spheres',* they are referring to the harmony that reigns between all the ...