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'Joy' (23)

Daily meditationsWhen you feel great joy, do not give way to it unrestrainedly. On the contrary, be careful and even expect a certain amount of trouble from events or from those around you. If you are careless and neglectful you will be caught off guard. It is a ...
Daily meditationsSeek to help and show love for all human beings without expecting anything in return, because they are all our brothers and sisters. In doing so, the reward is already given to you in that inner sense of expansion and that extraordinary sensation of ...
Daily meditationsTrue joy is not the result of anything visible or tangible. It is joy without reason, given to us simply by our sense of existing as a soul and a spirit. So instead of waiting to possess something or someone in order to feel joy, you must do the ...
Daily meditationsWould you like others to enjoy inviting you to their home and meeting you? Instead of sharing your bad moods, your worries and your sadness with others, think how you can bring them joy. Instinctively, people shy away from those who poison the ...
Daily meditations... regions of clouds and dust, that is, the astral and mental planes (selfish, common feelings and thoughts) and risen to the regions of eternal sunshine. And his only wish is to pass on to others the wisdom he has won at the cost of great effort...
Daily meditationsAs its name indicates, the past is ‘past', and you do not yet hold the future. Only the present belongs to you; it lies in your hands like matter, like clay, to be modelled. You have a minute, an hour, a day… This minute, this hour, this day belong ...
Daily meditationsIf you want joy never to leave you again, do your best to rise to the regions of soul and spirit as often as possible. Only the soul and spirit have the power to enable you to live in infinite space and eternity. Then, even if misfortune strikes, ...
Daily meditationsDo not expect others to bring you life, love and joy. You must first open up the sources of life, love and joy within yourself. In order to receive, you must start by giving. And you possess so many hidden treasures! Why should there be no sign of ...
Daily meditationsTrue joy is the soul's tendency to go beyond difficulties, obstacles and sorrows and experience life as a gift of God, a gift for which it feels gratitude and the need to give thanks. If you want joy to visit you often, cultivate this feeling of ...
Daily meditationsVery many activities and encounters can be a source of joy to us, but we will experience the greatest joys only if we seek to merge with the Divine. For although the Creator gave his creatures infinite possibilities of joy, he kept the greatest ...
Daily meditations... any human being who creates something with their hands, or with their feelings, wishes or thoughts....
Daily meditationsThe greatest joys, spiritual joys, do not have very much physical expression, since the most elevated feelings and sensations are often imperceptible. They are experienced as understanding, as fulfilment, as silence, and they are indestructible. ...
Daily meditationsThe past eludes you, and the future is not yet yours. Only the present belongs to you; it is in your hands waiting to be fashioned, like prime matter. You have a minute, an hour, a day at your disposal… These belong to you, and you must try to live ...
Daily meditations... what we are experiencing in the regions of light. This is why we must try each day, through our thoughts, feelings and actions, as well as through meditation and prayer, to maintain our connection with the divine world, so we can continue to l...
Daily meditationsTrue joy is a state of the soul, which experiences life, beyond its difficulties, obstacles and sorrows, as a gift from God, for which it can only feel gratitude and the need to give thanks.If you wish joy to visit you often, cultivate within ...
Daily meditationsWhen you feel great joy, do not give way to it unrestrainedly. On the contrary, be careful; expect a certain amount of trouble from events or from those around you. Yes, you must expect it, because if you are careless and neglectful you will be ...
Daily meditationsTo be happy or unhappy, joyful or sad, are often very relative states of consciousness. Here is an example which will doubtless remind you of some of your own experiences. You find that you are bored, you are a little sad, and life appears ...
Daily meditationsEveryone has their own temperament, and according to their nature, they like certain things and detest others – this is perfectly normal. But if they do not call upon the help of a higher element called wisdom, self-mastery or willpower, to control ...
Daily meditationsMost people think that when they reach a certain age, their faculties will inevitably decline. Not only will they lose their teeth and hair along with the use of their legs, arms, eyes and ears, but they will also lose their memory and even their ...
Daily meditationsWhen you experience great joy do not drink it to the dregs all at once; always keep a few drops in reserve, otherwise you will soon lose it again. Rejoice, but within limits. If you ignore this rule this is what will happen: you will be like a ...
Daily meditationsEvery single thought or feeling is in touch with all the regions and beings in the universe whose vibrations correspond to its own. This explains our joys and sufferings. Someone who drifts into a coarse, bestial way of life unwittingly joins the ...
Daily meditationsOn the grand scale of joy – for yes, joy, like many other states of mind, exists on a scale that has different degrees or levels – one level of joy comes from eating, another from breathing, another from walking, another from reading, or singing, or ...
Daily meditations...wonder, take at least a few minutes to share something of these privileged states by way of your thoughts. Think of all the people in the world who are in anguish and despair. Focus your thoughts on them and say, ‘Dear brothers and sisters thro...