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Result: 'Jésus' (15)

Daily meditationsJesus said, ‘My Father and I are one.' To be able to say such a thing, Jesus must have already done an immense amount of work. And, following his example, this is the work that we too have to do. Those for whom this identification becomes a reality ...
Daily meditationsSeveral passages in the Gospels make it clear that Jesus respected certain aspects of the old order and the precepts received from Moses. But at the same time, he wanted to lead human beings further along the path of true religion.For a spiritual ...
Daily meditationsWhen Jesus said, ‘My Father is still working, and I also am working', what did he want us to understand by this? Quite simply that we too must set to work. But instead of that, humans leave Jesus to work with his Father, while they themselves are ...
Daily meditationsChristians are taught that by sacrificing his life on the cross Jesus saved them, and some of them derive immense pride, immense assurance from this. Their friends and even their parents may not think much of them, but the son of God in person gave ...
Daily meditationsThroughout history God has shown his love for humankind by sending them beings who help them to evolve. So many Christians mistakenly believe that he sent no more sons after Jesus or that before Jesus the world was deprived of true light! God has ...
Daily meditationsChristians have spread the image of Jesus on the cross throughout the world. In doing so they have wanted to show the enormity of his sacrifice. But why not show him more often triumphing over death, in glory and light, to inspire people to become ...
Daily meditationsWhen Jesus said, ‘The Father and I are one', he was summarizing the greatest mystery of religion. And one day we too must be able to say the same words.Some will say, ‘Yes, but we're not Jesus. He was the son of God, whereas we are sinners.' The ...
Daily meditations...he psychic pathway from earth to heaven was obstructed. All the shameful deeds, all the criminal thoughts and feelings, all the raging passions of earlier generations had caused a host of monstrous creatures to thrive on the astral plane, preve...
Daily meditationsIt is in reference to a cosmic principle that ‘the Son', the second person of the Holy Trinity, is called the ‘only son' of God. This cosmic principle has been given the name of Christ, and through his work, Jesus identified with this cosmic ...
Daily meditationsThe people who crucified Jesus addressed him, saying: 'If you are the true Son of God, come down from the cross.' But the true power of a son of God does not lie in escaping ordeals or even in appearing not to fear them. True power lies in accepting ...
Daily meditationsOver the centuries Christians have persecuted Jews, claiming that they were responsible for the death of Jesus. But imagine if Jesus were to return: would he be happy to see what Christianity has become over time? I hope Christians will forgive me, ...
Daily meditationsChristians are perhaps proud to belong to a religion that tells them that two thousand years ago God wanted to manifest his love by sending his only son to save them. Unfortunately, the belief that Jesus is the only son of God saves no one, and we ...
Daily meditationsThere is no historical certainty about the circumstances of Jesus' birth. However, if according to tradition, he was born in a cave or in a stable, on straw, and not in a dwelling worthy of his mission like a palace or a temple, it is because the ...
Daily meditations...oss, because Christ also manifests through beauty, joy and light. In the new society, it will be thoughts of the glory of Christ that will nourish our inner lives. God will rejoice to see that we no longer favour the negative side, that we no l...
Daily meditationsAll Christians are proud of Jesus. ‘No one is greater than our Lord Jesus!' they say. Yes, Jesus is Jesus, but what are they? Lazy, ignorant people who make no effort to try and be like him.So many disciples behave in the same way towards their ...