'Humility' (21)
Daily meditationsPride makes human beings poorer, and humility makes them richer. Yes, see how proud people behave – they are puffed up and full of themselves – whereas humble people empty themselves. It is precisely this emptiness that attracts plenitude, because ...
Daily meditationsProud people imagine they are dependent on nothing and no one, exactly like a light bulb which claims to be the source of light, forgetting that the power station supplies the current. Those who are humble, on the contrary, know that they are not an ...
Daily meditationsSo many murky layers lie between our ordinary consciousness and our divine consciousness! This is why our most important work is to apply the methods that will enable us to break up the deposits within us, the slag which blocks the manifestation of ...
Daily meditationsSomeone who has won a few victories over their bad habits: laziness, anger, jealousy, sensuality should not feel proud of themselves. If they start to think, ‘Oh! I am strong!' their lower nature will respond and prepare traps; and these traps are ...
Daily meditationsWhen people are too self-confident they provoke others: they make enemies for themselves, and they spend part of their time in confrontation and settling scores. They should take a good look at themselves and say, ‘I am not really that wise, nor am ...
Daily meditationsDepending on the context, pride and humility are seen as either qualities or failings. But from the spiritual point of view, we can say that when pride is arrogance, it makes people poorer, whereas humility makes them richer. Look at the attitude of ...
Daily meditationsIn order not to fall into the traps that life inevitably sets for us at some time or another, we must develop two qualities: discernment and humility. Discernment is a quality of the intellect, and humility a quality of the heart.Discernment allows ...
Daily meditationsHumility does not consist in belittling oneself in front of others by saying, ‘I am nothing; I am worthless.' True humility consists in putting the Creator first in oneself. Why? Because those who give the Lord first place in themselves benefit from ...
Daily meditationsIt is useless, even dangerous, to commit to the spiritual way as long as you have not understood just how tough the lower nature is, how hard it is to tame and how much vigilance, perseverance, humility and self-denial you need to work on it. Far ...
Daily meditationsBeing humble does not mean allowing yourself to be enslaved and trampled underfoot, or feeling inferior to others. True humility lies in bowing not before humans but before the Lord, as when Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, knowing the torture he ...
Daily meditationsTo avoid falling into the traps life inevitably sets us at one time or another, we must chiefly develop two qualities: discernment and humility. Discernment is a quality of the mind and humility a quality of the heart.Discernment enables us to ...
Daily meditationsBeing humble does not consist in constantly belittling oneself and saying, ‘I am nothing, I am worthless.' True humility lies in putting the Divinity first within oneself in order to manifest all its virtues and riches. But how many are able to ...
Daily meditationsThose who act in a servile manner towards the mighty of this world, because they feel poor, weak and defenceless compared with them, are usually seen as humble. But when someone wants to fulfil Jesus' commandment, 'Be perfect as your heavenly Father ...
Daily meditationsSo many murky layers lie between our ordinary consciousness and our divine consciousness! This is why our most important work is to apply the methods that will enable us to break up the deposits within us, the slag which blocks the manifestation of ...
Daily meditationsA proud person is one who imagines he is dependent on nothing and no one, exactly like a lamp which claims to be the source of light, forgetting that the power station supplies the current. One who is humble, on the contrary, knows that he is not an ...
Daily meditationsNothing creates so many conflicts among humans as disagreements about ideas. People are more or less ready to accept one another's weaknesses and shortcomings, but as soon as their political, philosophical or religious ideas diverge and oppose each ...
Daily meditationsWe don't always possess the right criteria to identify those who are proud and those who are humble. People who are obedient and submissive are seen as humble and are appreciated: they don't disturb others or stand up to them. But is this really a ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings' intellect is naturally inhabited by pride, and their heart is naturally quick to react with anger. Pride and anger are two violent poisons that are difficult to neutralize, and yet their antidotes do exist. The antidote to pride is ...
Daily meditationsProud people imagine they are great, and always see themselves rising above others. But in reality, they themselves are not growing, a tumour is developing inside of them. To inflate themselves is not the same as growing. A person's true growth ...
Daily meditationsDisciples must find the right balance between pride and excessive humility. They should not be completely self-effaced on the pretext of humility, or they will end up becoming idiotic and stupid. But neither should they be overly conceited on the ...
Daily meditationsProud people imagine they are dependent on nothing and no one, exactly like a lamp that claims to be the source of light, forgetting that the power station supplies the current.Those who are humble, on the contrary, know that they are not isolated ...