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'Health' (15)

Daily meditationsTo maintain and improve your health, begin by focusing on what is alive within you, and strengthen that. You need to understand that living elements alone can counteract illness.Supposing you have an abscess or a wound. If the living entities in ...
Daily meditations...nduct your energy with care and attention: in other words, avoid passionate states and chaotic thoughts and feelings, which will affect your body and wear it out....
Daily meditations..., different from our physical eyes. We work at purifying this eye by nurturing disinterested thoughts, feelings and wishes, truly believing that this eye also protects us, since it is watching us. In daily life, those who are conscientious, res...
Daily meditationsJust as we possess sense organs, enabling us to make contact with the physical world, so too we possess subtle organs and centres, enabling us to make contact with the spiritual world. These centres, which have different names depending on the ...
Daily meditationsTo preserve and improve your health, you must learn to concentrate on what is alive in you and strengthen it. Yes, because only living elements can resist illness.Suppose you have an abscess or a wound... If the living entities in your body that are ...
Daily meditationsHealth is one of the principle preoccupations of human beings, but at the same time, they clearly do little to preserve it. They may well protest: ‘I want to be healthy, I'm looking for health.' No, we can even say that unconsciously they do ...
Daily meditationsAre people interested in providing human beings with true knowledge, with knowledge that will help them develop in a harmonious way in order to face the internal and external difficulties they may encounter? No, we wait for them to be ill before we ...
Daily meditationsIt is true that when everyone around you is demanding sexual freedom and justifying these demands with seemingly valid arguments, you are not particularly happy to hear about self-mastery. I understand that you do not like being deprived of ...
Daily meditationsHumans are always ready to engage in activities that exhaust them, and they neglect the ones that could strengthen them and improve their lives: introspection, meditation, contemplation and prayer. Yet in those who practise them, these activities ...
Daily meditationsFasting purifies the body and purity is the foundation of health. When a person regularly eats their fill, the cells of their stomach and other organs get into the habit of relying on their master, and knowing that he will always satisfy them, they ...
Daily meditationsA person's physical body is like a battlefield on which the forces of life confront the forces of death. Those who live a dissolute, chaotic life nourish the forces of disintegration in their body, which work to destroy them. On the other hand, if ...
Daily meditationsIt is normal for human beings always to want to possess more and to compete with others. At what point does it become abnormal? Our own bodies give us the answer so clearly that no one can deny it. What does your stomach do when you give it food? It ...
Daily meditations...ely exclusively on appearances and external manifestations, but if heaven, which sees your inner thoughts, feelings and motivations, disapproves of you, you will never feel truly happy and content. Conversely, the whole world may be against you...
Daily meditations...for the elixir of everlasting life; work every day, rather, to purify and instil light into your thoughts, feelings, and actions, so that divine life may flow freely within you.*...
Daily meditations... applies to the sun as it does to food. Try to learn to store up the sun's rays by means of your thoughts, for if you simply let them pass you by without doing anything, they will remain unused and ineffective. But if you consciously capture th...