'Greeting' (5)
Daily meditationsAll day long people meet and exchange greetings, but they greet each other automatically, without thought or love. Even in families, even in couples. Look, the husband and wife kiss and hug – ‘Goodbye, sweetheart! Goodbye, darling!' – but their ...
Daily meditationsIt is the custom in all countries to bring something for the people you are visiting – an object, some flowers, cakes, sweets, and so on. This tradition, which is very old, is based on a law: you should not visit someone empty-handed. And it is even ...
Daily meditationsEvery day, you meet a certain number of people you greet and who greet you back. If we are meant to greet each other, it is in order to do something good, to give each other something good. Those who wave or shake hands mechanically, carelessly, and ...
Daily meditationsLife is all one, and you should be conscious at every moment of what you are doing, for when you make a gesture it is never in isolation; whether inwardly or outwardly, everything has repercussions. This is why it is also important for you to learn ...
Daily meditationsIt is the custom in all countries to take something for the people you are visiting - some flowers, cakes, sweets, and so on. This tradition, which is very old, is based on a law: you should not visit someone empty-handed. And not only should you ...