'Gratitude' (11)
Daily meditationsFor most human beings, to love means to ask, to demand, to require. Yes, literally! This is how people conduct themselves with the Lord, and also with those they claim to love: they pursue them with their demands and, no matter what they receive, ...
Daily meditationsLack of gratitude leads to so many ills, while so much good can come from a simple grateful gesture! Why is that? Because it goes beyond, far beyond, the simple feeling that arises at the time.Let us leave ingratitude aside and focus only on ...
Daily meditationsWith everything that happens to you, the sorrows as well as the joys, there is something for you to discover that will further your development and your understanding of life. And gratitude is the key that opens the doors of true knowledge. This is ...
Daily meditationsThink each day of thanking heaven, until you feel that everything that happens to you is for your good. From now on, say 'Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord...' Give thanks for the things you have and for those you do not have, for the things that ...
Daily meditationsTo listen to human beings, you would think they have nothing but complaints to address to God: He does not answer their prayers, He abandons them in their trials, He allows their enemies to triumph. Obviously, they themselves deserve every joy and ...
Daily meditationsWe are not always rewarded for the good we do, but that must never be a reason to regret having done it. Let us say you have given someone material support, and then one day, you discover that they did not deserve your help. Not only were they ...
Daily meditations... way to start the day. Set aside your worries till later, they can wait. Start by directing your thoughts towards heaven saying, ‘Lord, I am thankful to be alive today. It is a new day – one for me to see, hear, walk, love and study. Strengthen...
Daily meditationsWe often hear people complain that they are lacking something. When will they become aware of everything they have received from God, their Creator? And they imagine they can justify their ingratitude by saying they do not believe in God. If they do ...
Daily meditationsWe receive so much from a simple inner movement of gratitude for the life we have been given. This movement of gratitude goes far beyond a mere feeling. The moment we intend to give thanks, this feeling of gratitude starts to act, it does not remain ...
Daily meditationsThe true tragedy of human beings is that they expect to receive what people are incapable of giving. Then, when they are given something precious, they neglect it, because they were expecting something else.Just look around: do human beings show ...
Daily meditationsSomeone comes and complains that he is very unhappy. I ask him, ‘Have you given thanks today?'‘Given thanks! To whom? What for?'‘Can you walk and breathe?'‘Yes...'‘Have you had something to eat?'‘Yes...'‘And can you open your mouth to speak?...