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Result: 'God' (167)

Daily meditationsIt is said in the Gospels: ‘And this is life eternal, that they may know You, the only true God.' And how is it that we can ‘know God'? By fusing with Him. But fusion can take place only between objects or beings of the same nature, the same ...
Daily meditationsAny attempt to prove the existence of God through argument is a fruitless undertaking. By means of reasoning, we can argue certain points to prove His existence but, by using the same methods, we can also prove His non-existence! The more we try to ...
Daily meditationsIt is said in the Gospels: ‘For you are the temple of the living God.' Yes, a human being who has reinforced his will, purified his heart, enlightened his mind, expanded his soul and sanctified his spirit has become a true temple. His physical body ...
Daily meditationsYou are the heirs to heaven and earth but, in order to receive this inheritance, you must turn towards God, your heavenly Father. And turning towards the heavenly Father implies that you close yourselves to dark entities and currents. Those who are ...
Daily meditationsSo much horror has been perpetrated by people claiming to act out of their love of God. Today, as a result, those who speak of this love increasingly attract only suspicion. From now on, people want to look only to their fellow human beings, and to ...
Daily meditationsAnyone who thinks he can find God outside himself is condemned to a fruitless search. We must therefore stop thinking of God objectively, as a Being exterior to ourselves. We must stop imagining that He is somewhere high in the sky while we are down ...
Daily meditations...rking. That is why it cannot be realised on the physical plane until it is first realised in our thoughts. Once realised in our thoughts it will descend into the heart, into our feelings, and it is then that it can finally be expressed in our a...
Daily meditationsGod is the only source of life. He has created everything, and nothing and no one can exist outside Him. Every living being lives the life of God. So you must accept the idea that even those beings we call demons have also received life from Him. ...
Daily meditationsWe naturally tend to identify God with good. But in reality, good is not God Himself; it is a manifestation of God, but it is not God. God is above good and evil, and we cannot really know who He is. But since good represents for us the highest ...
Daily meditationsTry to understand me, and not only will you cease to be astonished when I tell you that I look for the divinity which lives in every man and every woman, but you will try to do as I do. It is by behaving in this way that we show our respect for the ...
Daily meditationsThe goal of life is, quite simply, to live; and we can live only by becoming conscious of our ties with all the creatures who inhabit the universe: not only with the spirits of nature, but with the angels, the archangels, and all the divinities up ...
Daily meditationsTry to understand me when I tell you that I look for the divinity which lives in every man and every woman, and try to do as I do. It is by behaving in this way that we show our respect for the works of God. Because I admire the wisdom of the Lord, ...
Daily meditationsAt certain moments in their life believers, even many mystics, have felt as though God had abandoned them. As if it was God who changed towards them. Yes, it is them – they think – who are always steadfast, always unwavering in their faith and love, ...
Daily meditationsThe question of the existence of God can be resolved only by analogy. For example, you have a father who is with you, but he sometimes goes away on trips, and one day he will even go away for good. Does this mean that he no longer exists? No. Even ...
Daily meditationsCertain revelations in the Gospels can be considered dangerous, because the meaning of Jesus' words is not easy to understand for people who lack true initiatic understanding. ‘You are Gods', ‘You are the salt of the earth', ‘You are the light of ...
Daily meditationsDoes God really love us? Even the faithful often ask themselves this question. They will receive an answer only when they themselves begin to love God. God does not need our love, we need to love him. If the great Masters of all religions have ...
Daily meditationsIn the Book of Genesis it says that God created man in his image. Yet how many humans are aware of being bearers of God's image? Most people have let so many layers of impurities build up on this image that the features have become blurred and ...
Daily meditationsDoes God speak to us? Yes, since God is within us, he speaks to us. His voice is very soft, and we must learn to distinguish it amid all the other voices asking to be heard inside our body, our heart and our intellect. It can be compared to the ...
Daily meditationsBy creating mankind in his image, the Creator has inscribed upon the soul of his creatures an impression of himself. This indelible impression is the cause of the feeling of want and dissatisfaction that all men and women will continue to have, ...
Daily meditationsWhen you are faced with a difficulty, you are under the impression that this difficulty completely blocks your view. Take this difficulty and compare it with all you possess; review all your talents, qualities, and so on, then think of your parents ...
Daily meditationsThe goal of life is, quite simply, to live; and we can live only in connection with all the creatures who inhabit the universe: not only with the spirits of nature, but with the angels, the archangels, and all the divinities up to God himself who ...
Daily meditationsGod created humankind in his image. Therefore, whatever the level of decline or despair they may fall into, humans cannot be lost for good, indeed they will always be stopped, held back on the very edge of the abyss. You may at times think they are ...
Daily meditationsOften it is when human beings have lost everything, spoiled everything and are no longer capable of doing anything with their lives that they decide to devote themselves to the Lord. How can people who would never present themselves before the owner ...
Daily meditationsThe first article of faith for all believers is that God is the creator of heaven and earth. They repeat this in their prayers, and they even sing it. Therefore, since God is the creator of heaven and earth, he must be present in the entire universe,...
Daily meditationsI speak, I repeat myself, I insist, I return over and over to the same questions. This is not to say that I am unaware of the difficulties you encounter on the path: that of seeking the perfection of the heavenly Father, which is obviously very ...
Daily meditations...ting. You would like to love God, but your heart remains empty, you become bored and let your thoughts wander. But continue, tell yourself that your whole life depends on this connection you are creating with him. Gtadually, you will become so...
Daily meditations... this law correctly, they must be taught to bring order to their inner world and to master their thoughts and desires, otherwise what they read within themselves will be no more than the product of their imagination or even of their most primit...
Daily meditationsToo many faithful see God as addressing humans to dictate his will: 'Go here, do this and that.' No, God does not express himself like that and does not give orders. You might say, 'But does he never speak to us? Does he never tell us what to do?' ...
Daily meditationsExterminating creatures is contrary to divine wisdom, even if they are evil. But so too is leaving them dormant. According to Cosmic Intelligence there must be neither death nor inactivity; it wants to see life and activity manifested everywhere. ...
Daily meditationsSo many people of faith beg the Lord to do away with evil spirits. But the Lord does not grant them their wish, because evil spirits are doing their job, they are authorized to tempt and mistreat them. It is up to the faithful to become more ...
Daily meditations...ed everywhere, among stones, plants, animals, and especially among humans: in their elevated thoughts, their feelings of generosity, their gestures of kindness or courage, and in their works of art. And the more we purify ourselves, the more we...
Daily meditations...l communication routes have been blocked by the layers of impurities they have formed with their thoughts, feelings and acts. If they work to purify themselves until their subtle bodies become receptive, the communication will one day be restor...
Daily meditationsIf human beings feel no need to link themselves to the divine world, they deprive themselves of something precious. Of course, those who are intelligent, determined and in good health can, for a certain time, have the impression they still possess ...
Daily meditationsMost religions have given God a human appearance, because they had to make the realities of the spiritual world accessible, and these realities go well beyond most believers' abilities to comprehend them! Smallness cannot comprehend immensity, the ...
Daily meditations... can all play a part in making your body a vessel, a temple, of God. You also need to watch your thoughts, your feelings and your wishes, for these too are forms of nourishment. This temple of God that you have been building within you will rem...
Daily meditations...Humans spend much of their time destroying themselves through the way they live and the thoughts, feelings and desires they have. So, they do not love themselves, or rather they don't love themselves very well. You will ask, ‘So, what do we hav...
Daily meditationsWe shouldn't be surprised that so many people nowadays claim they no longer believe in God or deny he exists. They can no longer accept the puerile and simplistic image they are given of God; and since they have no idea what to replace it with, they ...
Daily meditationsContrary to what is too commonly thought, putting yourselves in the service of God does not imply you must neglect your fellow humans, on the contrary. True sons and daughters of God are those who seek to serve him in their fellow humans too. And ...
Daily meditationsBelievers of all religions have it as their first article of faith that God is the Creator of heaven and Earth. They recite it in their prayers and sing it in their hymns, but then return to their usual occupations. Up above, the sun, the moon and ...
Daily meditationsWhen a conflict arises between two people, they instinctively tend to refer to a third party, or else to a higher authority who must find a solution upon which they can agree, and this, as a rule, is the role of courts of law. If two people end up ...
Daily meditationsThe only thing that enables us to relate to the Creator, our heavenly Father, is our understanding of what true life is. Until then, we can only have approximate, superficial, and mistaken concepts of him. Instead of looking for God in themselves, ...
Daily meditationsHumans must stop thinking of God as a Being outside of them. They must even stop imagining that he is somewhere above, in the heavens, while they are here on earth, separated from him by immeasurable distances; they think this justifies all the ...
Daily meditationsAs churches and temples are holy places where multitudes of people have already gathered to pray, you will find good conditions to pray there. But the most important element is you. Introduce order, purity, and light within you and wherever you are, ...
Daily meditationsA Master is like a father or mother who educates you, and just as you must not remain with your father or mother forever, your goal must not be to cling to your Master, but to go towards God. Moreover, your Master does not stay still either, he too ...
Daily meditationsDoes everyone have to be a lawyer, a philosopher or a scholar to join in a revolution, a strike or a street demonstration? No, but all must be present and united as one – the learned and the ignorant, the skilled and the unskilled, the weak and the ...
Daily meditationsPeople are free only when they succeed in vibrating in harmony with the cosmic Spirit. Only the cosmic Spirit, the Lord, is free, absolutely free, and so it is only in so far as they become one with the Lord that people will become truly free ...
Daily meditationsSo many people in society are intelligent, enterprising, and determined! But these qualities they were given for the glory of God and the good of the whole world are being used for their own interests. By doing this, they are severing their link ...
Daily meditations...s kingdom. When you come to the fraternal meetings, instead of being scattered and allowing your thoughts to wander all over the place, always bring them back in this direction: the kingdom of God and his righteousness. As there are many of us ...
Daily from the spiritual sun, from God, are deprived of light, warmth and life. This is why their thoughts, feelings and deeds then bear the mark of this deprivation. On the other hand, all those who take the path back towards the Godhead receive ...
Daily meditationsWhatever happens, always remember that God created humankind in his own image and that, however degraded or sunk in despair a person may be, it is impossible for them to be lost for good; they will always be held back on the edge of the precipice. ...
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