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'Freedom' (46)

Daily meditations...When you feel anxious or distressed, react and keep your thoughts from taking a dangerous downhill direction, catch them and force them to return to this place of light and peace in you that is sheltered from adversity. If you are not vigilant,...
Daily meditations...o dark powers which seize them and bind them hand and foot. It is a law: the less we control our thoughts, our desires, and our whims, the more enslaved we become. You may say that you want to be free to satisfy your desires. Fine, but you mus...
Daily meditationsYou long for freedom? Whatever happens to you, do not become troubled or discouraged, but see to it that your spirit gradually regains control of the situation. Because only the spirit is truly free and soars high over events. When you restore the ...
Daily meditationsTo what extent is man free? Thinkers and theologians have discussed this question for centuries without reaching agreement; because they are not asking the correct question. Freedom is not a condition that is either given or not, once and for all, ...
Daily meditations... living a rich inner life, one that is beautiful, expansive and that benefits all creatures. Our thoughts and feelings reach out very far into space, and thanks to them we have the power to establish contact with the entire universe, while our ...
Daily meditationsSometimes we can feel ourselves being raised up to heaven when we least expect it. Obviously, we would wish to remain up there forever, but it is not possible, as there is still so much keeping us tied to the world below! If heaven grants us this ...
Daily meditationsAre human beings free, or are they subject to destiny? This question has been discussed for thousands of years. It is a mistake to think that all individuals are subject to the same laws. Those who, like the animals, only follow their purely ...
Daily meditationsPeople may tell themselves, ‘Responsibilities? Me? No way! I'm not going to get married and have children. I refuse to be tied down. I want to be free!' But what an illusion! Inwardly, they will be even more limited than those who have accepted ...
Daily meditations...right to sow discord around them? They think it is legitimate to expose even their most improper thoughts, feelings and needs, without concern for the effects it might have on those who are weaker and more easily influenced. Well, no, all those...
Daily meditationsFreedom can only be understood if we associate it with the notion of hierarchy. What freedom can anyone have if they are on the lowest rung of the ladder? Are stones free? Or plants? Or animals? Even most humans are not free: they are more or less ...
Daily meditationsThanks to their support and advice, friends can be an invaluable help in life's difficulties. But it is not sensible to go running to them or to call them each time you have reason to be sad, disappointed or dissatisfied. Even if you feel a bit ...
Daily meditations...dom. Of what use would it be to you to be able to come and go freely, if you are carrying around thoughts, feelings and desires that bind you hand and foot and will eventually cause you to take to your bed? The only freedom worth winning is inn...
Daily meditations...und hand and foot. So now, angels and archangels, come and settle in me; take possession of my thoughts, feelings, actions and words. Guide me, instruct me, so that I may be entirely at your service.' This is the prayer the heavenly entities ar...
Daily meditations‘I want to live my life', young people say when they begin to claim their independence. But have they considered whether they received life to be able to satisfy their desires, their selfish pleasures? Life is not in the service of humans. It is ...
Daily meditations...You wish to feel free? Work at elevating your thoughts and feelings, for true freedom is inner freedom. Of course, it is preferable to be free to move on the physical plane, too, but consider that freedom as secondary. The only freedom worth as...
Daily meditationsSometimes you are unhappy because despite your best efforts you are still a slave to your negative tendencies. But it is nothing serious; it is normal, even. There are so many things to put right within each of us! The main thing is that you work to ...
Daily meditationsEven if you are somewhat deprived materially, you should still be able to rejoice and glorify the Lord and say, ‘O Lord God, how good and wise you are! You have protected me. If I owned factories or banks, what worries I would have, and how much ...
Daily meditationsSometimes we can feel ourselves being raised up to heaven when we least expect it. Obviously, we would wish to remain up there for ever, but it is not possible, as there is still so much keeping us tied to the world below! If heaven grants us this ...
Daily meditationsWhat knowledge, what understanding of life can we acquire if we are not free, inwardly free? It is the absence of inner freedom that prevents humans from discovering the essential truths they need in order to orient themselves in life.So many men ...
Daily meditationsDo human beings have free will, or are they subject to destiny? This question has been discussed for thousands of years. It is a mistake to think that all individuals are subject to the same laws. Those who, like the animals, only follow their ...
Daily meditationsSo many people think that being free means not depending on anything or anyone. Poor things, they do not know the dangers they face: as there is nothing in their mind or their soul that is fulfilling, there are empty spaces everywhere inside them, ...
Daily meditationsIf, in spite of your efforts to follow a spiritual teaching, you encounter all kinds of obstacles and difficulties on your way, do not be discouraged. The reason for this is that the mistakes you made in past incarnations follow you into this one. ...
Daily meditationsFreedom can only be understood when associated with the idea of hierarchy. If you find yourself on the bottom rung of the ladder, what freedom can you have? Are animals free? Are plants? Are stones?... Even among humans, few are free: they are ...
Daily meditations... so, he is king; he regains his place on the throne and is obeyed by all: by his sentiments, his thoughts, his instincts and his desires. For most people, freedom means opening all the doors and windows and leaving, claiming ‘I'm free', even th...
Daily meditationsThose who demand their freedom and believe they are not bound to respect any law cause the doors of divine world to close before them, and one day the earth's doors will close before them as well. Someone will say: ‘But I bow neither before God nor ...
Daily meditationsSo many people believe they are asserting their freedom when they say they have nothing to do with God or religion! In their minds, practising a religion means agreeing to restrict oneself, and they are proud of refusing restrictions. Yes, they ...
Daily meditationsSo many people are convinced they will find fulfilment only if they are able to do what they want! And in order to do so, they are ready to break all the rules – all the ‘taboos', as they call them – because they want to be free. And what is this ...
Daily meditationsMany people think a master has the power to impose himself on human beings and force them to change. Not at all! However great the love, wisdom and power of a master, he cannot get through to them if they are stubborn and closed. A true spiritual ...
Daily meditationsWhatever happens to you, do not become troubled or discouraged, but see to it that your spirit gradually regains control of the situation. In this way you will discover true freedom, because the spirit soars high over events, and it alone is truly ...
Daily meditationsTo what extent do we have freedom in life? Only in the choice of the direction we wish to take. Beyond this, nothing depends on us. Let's say you want to go on holiday, and you can choose between the sea, the mountains, the desert, the countryside ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings tend to think of freedom as emancipation. But emancipation from whom or what? In fact, human beings are free only when they succeed in vibrating in harmony with the cosmic spirit. Why? Because only the cosmic spirit, the Creator, the ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings are quite extraordinary: they want to be free and independent, but at the same time they always expect something from others. They never stop asking that others think of them, love them, help them, or do their work for them. This is so ...
Daily meditationsWhen we see what most people call freedom, the word 'licence' or 'debauchery' would really be more suitable. So many people want to be free to give in to laziness, pleasure and passion, without realizing it is precisely this attitude that limits ...
Daily meditationsWhy do humans have the ability to rebel against God? Because when he created them, he placed his own will inside them. God is all-powerful, but he wanted to collaborate with human beings, and he gave them freedom. He made them responsible. So, it is ...
Daily meditationsEach religion has its own language, its own form of expression, but they all speak of the day when, after having distanced themselves from God, humans return to him, for within him lies their origin. They tell different stories to explain this ...
Daily meditationsThe further we progress along the path of truth, the freer we become. We must therefore strive to climb higher and higher. However, true freedom is found only at the summit, in God. This is why, for human beings as for any other creature in the ...
Daily meditationsPeople are free only when they succeed in vibrating in harmony with the cosmic Spirit. Only the cosmic Spirit, the Lord, is free, absolutely free, and so it is only in so far as they become one with the Lord that people will become truly free ...
Daily meditationsMany spiritual people make the mistake of believing that their existence will be transformed simply because they have chosen the path of righteousness and light. Yes, it may be transformed inwardly, but they should have no illusions about the ...
Daily meditations...d violence, then, in most cases, justice leaves them in peace. Everyone is free to express their thoughts and desires, no matter how shocking, without worrying about the consequences this may have for the fate of people who are weaker or more i...
Daily meditationsIt is fine to want to be free, but not by just any means. Many people do everything possible to escape their obligations, run away from their duty, and sever their ties to others, thinking that they will then be free. No, that is not the way to be ...
Daily meditationsYou want to be free and independent, but at the same time, you always want others to think of you and help you, and even to act and work in your place. Well, it is time you understood that if you really want to be free, you must learn not to count ...
Daily meditations... do so, they are kings; they regain their place on the throne and everything – their feelings, thoughts, instincts and desires – obeys them. For most people, freedom means opening a door and leaving, claiming, ‘I'm free', even though they carry...
Daily meditationsThere is only one way to be in full possession of our freedom, and that is to take the upward path. How can we do this? By trying to do the will of the Creator. Freedom does not exist in the absence of submission to God, to Him whom the Psalms call ...
Daily meditationsOur freedom depends on our degree of evolution. This means that for a human being, just as for any other creature, absolute freedom does not exist. Only God the Creator is truly free. Even the angels and archangels, even the cherubim and the ...
Daily meditationsYou believe yourselves to be free simply because you are in a position to do as you like. Yet, if you analyze yourselves, you will see that many of your choices are dictated by certain overriding instincts, desires or appetites, which you cannot ...
Daily meditationsThe issue of freedom is far from clear in people's minds. Those who believe that being free means to be dependent on nothing and no one do not realize the danger they are in; since their heads and souls are empty, there are gaps everywhere into ...