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'Création' (16)

Daily meditationsIt is said in the Zohar: ‘We have learned that the Book of Concealment is the book of the equilibrium of balance.' But this equilibrium does not mean there is no movement. When God polarized Himself for the purpose of creation, the scales began to ...
Daily meditationsThe creative instinct is deeply rooted in all human beings. But if they have not developed the faculties that allow them to contact the higher worlds, their works will be mere copies, reproductions, not true creations. Just as when fathers and ...
Daily meditations... am your servant, I want to do your will. Do with me as you wish.' And the next day check your thoughts, feelings and actions to see whether what you are doing really is the will of God and not the will of your lower nature. For it is not enoug...
Daily meditations...terials they can also do on their own psychic matter. All their instincts, desires, feelings and thoughts represent a substance which they have to work on intensely in order to purify and develop it. From one point of view you could say this is...
Daily meditations...things outside of us, but also on the matter within us. All our instincts, all our impulses, our thoughts, feelings and desires represent a substance on which we have work to do. In a sense, it is a work of creation similar to artistic creation...
Daily meditationsWomen's behaviour, attitude and character is related to their fitness for motherhood, and even if they do not have children the majority spontaneously show maternal qualities – devotion, compassion, concern for those weaker than themselves and for ...
Daily meditationsHow many artists live in anxiety and torment! To keep going, some indulge in drink, drugs, debauchery, and so on. As they are genuinely gifted, this does not prevent them from creating masterpieces from time to time. But it is others who benefit ...
Daily meditationsYou set about building a house: a few weeks or months later, there it is for all to see. But if you decide to create something in the spiritual domain, no one, not even you, can see it. So, faced with no apparent result you become assailed by doubts,...
Daily meditations...and say, ‘My God, I want to do your will. Do with me as you wish.' And the next day check your thoughts, feelings and actions to see whether what you are doing really is the will of God and not the will of your lower nature. For it is not enoug...
Daily meditationsOur teaching can be summed up in a single word - creation. Yes, creating, but creating what? Paintings, statues? Working on canvases, wood or marble? No, working on ourselves. For this is the true 'prime matter' - ourselves, our own matter. A ...
Daily meditationsLife can be compared to a river which flows from the divine Source. As it descends, it travels through regions which the Christians call the angelic hierarchies and the cabbalists call the sephiroth. But the life which emanates from God does not ...
Daily meditationsIt is said that God created the world ‘ex nihilo': out of nothing. But ‘nothing' does not exist. ‘Nothing' refers to this reality which the cabbalists call Ain Soph Aur: light without end. But even the word ‘light' can mislead us, because for us ...
Daily meditationsCreation is not an activity that belongs to the physical plane. On the physical plane we do not create: we copy, we imitate, we tinker…It is only on the mental plane that things are created, and the only true creators are those who create by means ...
Daily meditations...not to be limited to the physical matter outside of them. Their instincts, desires, feelings and thoughts are also matter they must aim to work on to purify and ennoble it. Spiritual work is therefore also work on matter. When humans learn to u...
Daily meditationsArtists create works of art that are external to themselves using material that is external to themselves; and as it is on this outer material that they concentrate their efforts, even if they produce masterpieces, when we meet these artists, we ...
Daily meditationsWe are all creatures and any creature who refuses to acknowledge that they have a creator is living in the absurd. How can you expect anything intelligent from someone who denies such a simple and obvious fact, that creation and all creatures ...