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'Nature' (72)

Daily meditationsNature displays its countless riches to us, but to those who do not respect it, who only seek to selfishly exploit it for their own use, it closes its doors. Yet this is exactly the attitude most humans have toward nature – earth, water, air, the ...
Daily meditationsInitiatic Science teaches us that the ideal human being, the perfect human being, as created by Cosmic Intelligence in its workshop, is like the sun. This means that everything that emanates from them is of the same quintessence as the light of the ...
Daily meditationsNature is alive and you must respect it. You might say, ‘I don't see how my respect can change anything for nature.' Even if it changes nothing for nature, do it at least for yourself. If you pay attention to stones, plants, animals, human beings, ...
Daily meditationsEvery day nature is a book that lies open before your eyes, and from it you can learn the wonders of eternal wisdom engraved by the Creator in each stone, in each flower and in each star. If your eyes are not able to see or your ears to hear, this ...
Daily meditationsOver the course of time, humans have acquired tremendous power over nature: little by little, they have managed to extend their dominion over the land, the seas, and now skyward. Their desire to explore the wide open space before them, and benefit ...
Daily meditationsEach day we have to solve the problems posed by the fact that we have two natures, a higher and a lower nature, or our individuality and our personality. So, we must begin by acquiring the knowledge that will enable us to tell the difference between ...
Daily meditationsEach day, the coexistence of our two natures, the higher and the lower, pose such problems for us! This is why, when our higher nature encourages us to behave honestly, to make an effort, we must also make sure that our lower nature is not informed ...
Daily meditationsNature closes its doors to those who do not respect it, that is, who seek only to exploit it for their own narrow and selfish ends. Yet this is exactly the attitude human beings have towards the earth, water, air, the sun and the other planets. Do ...
Daily meditations...nd disrupt the work of the elements with impunity? Through their actions, but also through their thoughts and feelings, and through their anarchic attitude, they provoke the forces of nature, which eventually respond to restore order. Nature is...
Daily meditationsThe moment someone causes you the slightest offense, your lower nature says, ‘Teach him a lesson, bite him, hit back!' Whereas your higher nature says, ‘Don't let it bother you, old chap, that's how it is, so instead of brooding and trying to get ...
Daily awakening the souls of the whole world and learn to work on your vocal cords by means of your thoughts. Here is an exercise you can do: imagine that you are bathed in a radiant light as you sing before a huge crowd, and bear in mind that thr...
Daily meditationsLearn to speak with the spirits of nature so as to encourage them to work for the good of humanity. For example, if you are by the sea, speak to its inhabitants, ‘Spirits of the waters, unite, and with each ship that passes, inspire in those aboard ...
Daily meditations...rayer in the morning, to watch the sunrise, do you ever think to send it your love and your good thoughts? You should love this Rock! You should even touch and caress it; then its vibrations will change towards you and you will experience great...
Daily meditationsWhenever someone gives in to a base desire, they shackle themselves and become a slave; this is why we find so many slaves on earth. Even if human beings appear to be free, the truth is that inwardly, they faithfully obey a master: their lower ...
Daily meditationsWhere does this widespread habit of signing one's name with an illegible scribble come from? Those who sign their names in this way do not even know why they do so. Well quite simply because their lower nature, which is forever hatching its shady ...
Daily meditationsAll human beings carry their distant animal past with them: the cunning of some, the brutality, cruelty, voracity or sensuality of others, and so on. Clearly, this animal nature is powerful: it has had thousands of years to train and grow strong ...
Daily meditationsYou must devote more attention and love to the truths of initiatic science, for these truths deserve to be treated as sacred. Our contemporaries have a tendency to consider that nothing is sacred anymore on the pretext that they must demonstrate ...
Daily meditations... the service of their own weaknesses, desires and whims. They do not even try to see where their thoughts, feelings and desires come from; they just have to sense the stirring of a thought or feeling within themselves to give in to it immediate...
Daily meditationsTry to satisfy only the divine nature in people, their souls and their spirits. Do not serve their selfish, greedy, demanding lower nature. You will say, ‘Yes, but if I don't satisfy their whims, my wife or husband will be furious.' Let the husband ...
Daily meditationsThe annals of Initiatic Science mention that many humanities have already disappeared, and that some of them had a culture far more advanced than ours.* They reason they disappeared is because of the lower nature's tendency to push beings to want to ...
Daily meditationsGet into the habit of watching and listening to the life of nature: to stones, plants and animals, and above all, to the four elements in whatever form they may appear – rocks, sand, rain, snow, wind, sun, stars and so on.There are so many things to ...
Daily meditationsNature works with moisture and heat, but it knows how to apportion them. It provides moisture to make fruit grow, but if it gives too much, they rot. So, it sends heat, which dries and ripens the fruit; but if the heat is too intense, everything ...
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