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'Nature' (72)

Daily meditationsWe owe everything to nature: all the elements that form our bodies, all that sustains us – water, food, air to breathe, the light and heat of the sun – all the materials for our clothes, houses, tools, and so on – everything. Human beings take great ...
Daily meditationsThe whole of space, from the earth to the sun and far beyond, is inhabited by beings. The four elements – earth, water, air and fire – are inhabited by creatures mentioned in all traditions of the world. Of course, they may not be exactly as each ...
Daily meditationsEach one of us comes to earth with our particular tastes and tendencies and, however hard we try, there is nothing we can do to change them. This is why it is so important to recognize the true nature of the people you associate with, so that you do ...
Daily meditationsNature is alive and intelligent. Yes, intelligent. Intelligence is not unique to human beings. Of course, some people find this very difficult to accept, but they must realize that as our opinion of nature changes, so we alter our destiny.Nature is ...
Daily meditationsWhen an Initiate opens his door in the morning, he raises his hand in greeting to the whole of nature, to the sky and the sun. He says good morning to the new day and all creation. By this gesture he establishes communication with the source of life,...
Daily meditationsWe think we know nature but actually, we do not know it. All that we see around us – forests, mountains, rivers and seas – is no more than the outer wrappings, different layers of physical matter; its clothes, if you wish. You must endeavour to look ...
Daily meditationsGet into the habit of observing and listening to the life of nature: to stones, plants, animals, but also to the four elements – earth, water, air, fire – and the different forms in which they appear: rocks, sand, rain, snow, wind, clouds, sun, ...
Daily meditationsThe universe is a kind of sanctuary for us which we must approach with a sense of the sacred. For not only is nature alive, it is also intelligent. And if we open ourselves to it, it responds by allowing us to participate in its life. You may think ...
Daily meditationsEvery day you are confronted with the manifestations of your lower nature. It is part of you, it presents its arguments to you. But beware, and try not to allow yourself to be convinced, never give it this right. If you wish, grant your lower nature ...
Daily meditationsThe word Bible means book. But the true Bible, the real book, is the book of living nature. That is to say, the universe created by God, and also the human being, that he made in the image of this universe and into whom he breathed his spirit. All ...
Daily meditationsThe elements that make up our body and everything that keeps us alive – water, food, the air we breathe, the light and warmth of the sun, the materials we make our clothes from, our houses, our tools, and so on – we owe everything to nature. Some ...
Daily meditations...u return home you bring with you a whole wealth of revelations, of richer and more expansive thoughts and feelings....
Daily meditationsAs you leave your house in the morning to watch the sunrise, be thinking already that you are going to meet a living being, as alive as all of nature around you – the birds, insects, trees and flowers. For the whole universe is alive, populated by ...
Daily meditationsIf creation is to become eloquent, alive and meaningful for you, you have to learn its language. Your whole life must be directed toward this end: to communicating with nature and its inhabitants. And these inhabitants are everywhere: in water, in ...
Daily meditationsDisciples of a spiritual teaching learn how to make contact with all the vital forces of nature. When they open their windows in the morning, they start by greeting the sky and the sun. They raise their hand to greet the day and the whole of ...
Daily meditationsThere are many ways to help you renew the life force within you! In the morning, as you watch the sun rise, concentrate on it and say, ‘As the sun rises over the world, let the spiritual sun of love, wisdom and truth rise in my heart, in my soul and ...
Daily meditationsThroughout the course of history, humans have become more and more successful at dominating nature. Of course, nature is patient, but, when it feels that humans persist in upsetting the order that governs it, it retaliates, and this retaliation ...
Daily meditationsWhen humans consider that their churches and temples are the only dwelling places of the Divine, they impoverish their understanding of the sacred. Is there even one temple built by humans that can compare with the universe, the great temple created ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings have been created in the image of the universe, and so their structure is identical to the universe's. We can see this structure, for example, in their different levels of consciousness, which correspond to the different kingdoms of ...
Daily meditationsIf humans changed their opinion of nature, they would change their destiny! If they think of it as being alive and intelligent, that stones, plants, animals and stars are alive and intelligent, they themselves will become more alive and more ...
Daily meditationsSilence is inhabited by countless beings, in forests, lakes, seas, mountains, and underground too – the Creator has placed inhabitants everywhere. Even fire is inhabited, so too is the ether, the sun, the stars – the entire universe is inhabited. So ...
Daily meditationsWhen you go out into nature, try to be aware of the presence of all the spirits that live there and that were there long before human beings appeared on earth. Speak to them, marvel at the work they achieve in lakes, rivers, forests, mountains, ...
Daily meditations...never tire of admiring. But what you may not know is that you can also relate to it through your thoughts and your love, so that it opens up to you. When you are walking toward a river, a lake, a forest, a mountain, stop for a moment and raise ...
Daily meditationsIt is best not to get into the habit of looking at anything that is declining – the sunset, leaves falling in autumn… Of course, the sky at sunset is a magnificent sight with all those colours merging into one another – how can we not be lost in ...
Daily meditationsFinding the right attitude… Yes, nothing we do is more important than this. It allows mutual understanding between ourselves and others, as well as animals, plants and stones. Nature closes itself to those who do not respect it, to those who believe ...
Daily meditationsHow often you are prepared to follow the advice of your lower nature! When it tells you, ‘You see that person – he has tricked you, wronged you, slandered you. You ought to teach him a lesson', you rush to obey it, believing that right and justice ...
Daily meditationsIn the morning, as you watch the sun rise, concentrate on it and say, ‘As the sun rises over the world, let the spiritual sun of love, wisdom and truth rise in my heart, in my soul and in my spirit.' When spoken out loud, these words are good for ...
Daily meditationsWhen you go out in the morning to the sunrise, remember that you are on your way to meet a being that is alive, just as all of nature around you is alive – birds, animals, trees and flowers. For life is the entire universe, including the infinite ...
Daily meditationsThe Creator wants human beings to develop with both of their natures – the higher and the lower – for they are complementary, as are spirit and matter. And that is the true teaching of Christ: how to use the lower nature to rise towards God.But what ...
Daily meditationsFrom the earth to the sun and beyond, all of space is inhabited. The four elements – earth, water, air and fire – are inhabited by all kinds of creatures, mentioned in all the world's traditions. Of course, they may not be exactly as each religion ...
Daily meditationsObserve closely the relationship between your lower and higher natures. When you make good resolutions or plan to help someone, be aware that your lower nature is there watching and sending you suggestions, temptations, to deter you. It whispers, ...
Daily meditationsDo your best to consider only people's divine nature, their soul and spirit; it is this nature you must serve. Don't concern yourself with satisfying the whims of their limited, selfish lower nature. You will say, ‘Yes, but if I don't give in to ...
Daily meditationsWould you like to have a life that is rich and full? Then accept the idea that nature is alive and intelligent. Yes, not only alive but intelligent, for intelligence is not peculiar to human beings. Of course, some people may find this difficult to ...
Daily meditations...onger be content to look at nature passively, admiring its beauty. Tell yourself that, with your thoughts, with your love, you can work with nature so that it will open up to you. When you come to a river, a lake, a forest or a mountain, stop a...
Daily meditationsFor many people, feeling compelled to do something is sufficient justification for their actions. They say, 'So what? It's normal. I'm just doing what nature tells me to do!' Indeed, they are obeying nature, but which nature? Their lower nature. ...
Daily meditationsNature has laid down laws, and she punishes us if we transgress them.Nature is a good mother, but she is also very strict. Some will say, 'But that's not the image we have of a mother. On the contrary, a mother is gentle, loving and indulgent. It's ...
Daily meditationsThe Creator put fire, air, water, earth and food at the disposal of humans. But what is their state when they are eating, or drinking or breathing? For example, when they breathe in air, do they ask themselves what elements will be permeating this ...
Daily meditationsThe elements that make up our body and everything that keeps us alive - water, food, the air we breathe, the light and warmth of the sun, the materials we make our clothes from, our houses, our tools, and so on - we owe it all to nature. Some people ...
Daily meditationsIn your relationships with others, it is essential that you be clear first and foremost about the matter of the two natures, superior and inferior, which constitute the human being.When you meet someone, do not imagine you are truly informed about ...
Daily meditationsSigns in people's faces reveal how endlessly immersed they are in disorder, turmoil and suffering. Why is this? Because the concepts they cling to are too limited, and as a result their lives are nothing but pettiness, discord and vexation inspired ...
Daily meditationsMore and more today, radio, television and magazines are disseminating points of view which they characterize as great progress. According to them, people should seek to satisfy their desires and cravings without restraint, because to resist the ...
Daily meditationsHaving been deceived by a friend or even a family member, people often ask themselves, “How can I know who I can trust?' Actually, the question must be posed differently. The human being is made up of two natures: a superior nature and an inferior ...
Daily meditationsPolytheism, which Christians have attacked so relentlessly, is simply one way of expressing the idea that nature is inhabited by God. It is a mistake to believe that the Hindu, Egyptian and Greek pantheons were the brainchildren of highly ...
Daily meditationsCombative and tenacious, man's lower nature has enabled him to resist the aggressions and obstacles he has met on his path over the millennia. This explains why it is now so difficult to dominate this nature. Although the conditions of evolution ...
Daily meditations...People's lower nature inspires them with so many thoughts, desires and activities! And they walk, run and gallop after them. It is extraordinary to see how men and women defend their most selfish interests, and what arguments they put forth to ...
Daily meditationsAs soon as you leave a town or city, you are surrounded by nature. Whether you go into the woods, up mountains, to lakes or to the seaside, if you wish to demonstrate that you are children of God who aspire to a more subtle and luminous life, you ...
Daily meditationsAt the end of a letter or circular, the author signs his name to indicate that he is responsible for it. This being so, why do we see so many complicated and illegible signatures today? Those who sign in this way do not even know why they do it. ...
Daily meditationsIt is written that on the Day of Judgment God will separate the good from the wicked: He will put the good on his right hand, that they may take possession of His Kingdom, and the wicked, who have been placed on His left, will be sent into the fires ...
Daily meditationsEvery day you are confronted with the manifestations of your lower nature. It is part of you, it presents its arguments to you, but do not allow yourself to be convinced it is right. If you wish, grant it the benefit of being ‘unreasonably correct' ...
Daily meditations...ower nature: even if you have managed on occasion to conquer a few of its manifestations – bad thoughts, bad feelings – you will never be sure of having permanently triumphed over it. From one moment to the next, it can rebel and there you are...
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