Daily Meditation: Sunday, August 13, 2017
Loneliness - how to overcome it
The feeling of loneliness is one of the most terrible forms of suffering that human beings can experience. Each of us needs to find someone with whom we can share our thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, someone with whom we can exchange harmoniously every day. This ideal being is obviously very difficult to find, and many books have explained the pain, anguish and feeling of abandonment experienced by men and women when they are unable to find what some have called their soul mate! But, in reality, the human soul can only be filled permanently and completely by God. If you wish to feel that you are not alone every day, that you are surrounded by beings who love and understand you, and that you yourself are filled with a great presence of joy and light, you must unite with God and his manifestations, which are wisdom, love and truth. For God himself is love, wisdom and truth. And for the person who places love in their heart, wisdom in their head, and truth in their will, solitude no longer exists.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
- ‘In the beginn…
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- Man created in …
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- ‘Be perfect as …