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Daily Meditation: Saturday, November 25, 2017

Intuition - is both understanding and feeling

Because it has a synthetic view of reality, intuition is true intelligence. It does not need to do research or calculations, its understanding is instantaneous; it penetrates everything with a single glance – the objective and subjective worlds, the exterior and interior – and transmits its findings directly to you. Intuition is both a feeling and an understanding; you feel things at the same time as you understand them. It is a higher intelligence because it comprehends, in a single moment, the whole of life. And when everyone else is still hesitating and doubting, those who possess this intelligence understand immediately and their vision is infallible. And when reality appears to them in this way – with both aspects, objective and subjective, exterior and interior – they are amazed to discover that everything is in fact very simple.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
