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Daily Meditation: Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Initiatic school - the real reason for its exist­ence

An initiatic school... It is time people had a better idea of what it really is or, at least, what it should be. Too many still imagine it is where they will attain clairvoyance, magical powers and all sorts of paranormal faculties that will allow them to satisfy their need for the weird and wonderful or perhaps just their desires and ambitions. Well, no, the real reason for an initiatic school is that it trains people to work ceaselessly to bring about the kingdom of God on earth, that is, brotherhood among human beings. Those who are determined to undertake this work do not need to do magic or be clairvoyant or possess exceptional powers; they need only become wiser, purer, more disinterested and better able to control themselves.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
