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Daily Meditation: Monday, November 15, 2010

Hand, right - for greeting and giving

Right and left... It is important to know that, although these are traditionally seen as opposites on the moral level, this is merely symbolic. It is best, however, to take it into account when we make certain gestures in everyday life. Why? Because, each time, it gives us an opportunity to do some psychic work. When you greet someone by shaking their hand, you put out your right hand. Similarly, if you have to greet someone from afar, it is also better to do so with your right hand, but, more importantly, do not forget in either case to put good things into your greeting. And when you have to give someone something, also give it preferably with your right hand, and again do so consciously, accompanying your gesture with a good thought.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
