Daily Meditation: Friday, February 4, 2022
Goodness - do good deeds without talking about it
Do whatever you can in the way of good whether in deeds, words, feelings or thoughts, and then let time do its work. Even if you forget what you have done and do not wish for any recompense, the good you do will always follow you and reward you. And let me add this: learn to do what is good without talking about it, without letting anyone know what you have done. In this way, not only will you feel a secret joy, but you will also awaken something good in others. They will be obliged to wonder who their anonymous benefactor is and this will stimulate them to do the same for others.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov$ 13.00
- ‘When he drew …
- Achievement
- Actions
- Androgyne
- Angels
- Angels and demo…
- Appetites, lowe…
- Atmosphere, ear…
- Attention
- Aura
- Bible
- Bodies, from th…
- Body, the
- Body, the human
- Body, the physi…
- Book
- Centres, spirit…
- Christ
- Clairvoyance
- Collectivity, t…
- Commitment, spi…
- Connections
- Courts of law
- Creations, inne…
- Creative activi…
- Credit
- Discernment and…
- Dog-eat-dog wor…
- Energies
- Eternal philoso…
- Eternity
- Evolution
- Evolution, huma…
- Expecting
- Experience
- Face
- Feeling and ges…
- Fraternal meeti…
- Gratitude
- Habit, bad
- Hand, right
- Happiness
- Hardships of li…
- Harmony, univer…
- Health
- Helping humans
- Ideal
- Impatience
- Infinitely grea…
- Inner states
- Intellect
- Interests, pers…
- Joy, the
- Knowing God
- Knowledge
- Laws, divine
- Laziness
- Light
- Likes and disli…
- Love
- Man created in …
- Maturity, spiri…
- Medicine, ortho…
- Mystical delusi…
- Nature spirits
- Objects
- Oneself, from
- Organization
- Parents and edu…
- Philosopher’s s…
- Physical body
- Pleasure
- Power
- Presence, inner
- Psyche
- Psychic balance
- Psychic experie…
- Purity
- Religious pract…
- Resonating
- Roses
- Saving
- Scientific rese…
- Scientific trut…
- Sensitivity
- Separation
- Snail
- Sorrows and car…
- Source, divine
- Spirit
- Spiritual eleme…
- Spiritual philo…
- Sun
- Thoughts
- Time wasted
- Today
- Wealth
- ‘If your eye is…
- ‘The Father and…
- ‘The greatest a…