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Daily Meditation: Saturday, January 20, 2024

Give instead of taking - the law of love

Most people are proud of what they have managed to take, and they flaunt it for the whole world to see. But inwardly all their stolen wealth turns to dross. Yes, those who enrich themselves at the expense of others, whether individuals or countries, never really benefit from what they acquire. A time always comes when, even on the physical plane, they are obliged to give up their ill-gotten gains piece by piece. The chief concern of truly spiritual people, on the other hand, is to give. When they greet you, look and smile at you, when they shake hands or talk to you, they constantly give you something good, something luminous. And in doing so, they themselves grow and blossom, and reach greater heights of perfection, because they are obeying the law of love, and the true law of love is to give.* But at the same time as they give, they also receive, for a stream of pure, transparent light flows to them from the sun.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See the book "In Spirit and in Truth", chapter XVI

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
