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Daily Meditation: Saturday, July 14, 2018

Gifts - we can give them in thought

You are going to visit friends and you would like to take them some flowers, but it is late, and the shops are closed. What’s to stop you from concentrating for a few minutes with all your love, and imagining that you are bringing them the most beautiful fresh flowers? And you can even add a card with a few kind words. When you arrive, your friends will feel something special and you will see how joyfully they welcome you. But what typically happens? When people must visit their relatives or their friends, even if they bring flowers as a matter of form, they go there brooding over some grudges, already planning to settle certain scores. What good can come of such a visit? You must never pay anyone a visit without thinking to offer them a gift. Even if you are not a painter, a poet, a singer, or a musician, inwardly you have every means of bringing them something beautiful, poetic and musical. This is true magic.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
