Daily Meditation: Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Gifts from heaven - with which we must never be satiated
The beings of light in the invisible world appreciate those who are always hungry and thirsty. Only the greedy are accepted on high. So you can ask for as much as you want. Yes, ask for love, wisdom, peace, beauty… One day, a traveller came to a village and went looking for an inn. Someone told him there happened to be a very kind innkeeper there, who fed all strangers passing through town for free, but the strange thing was that, after he had given them something to eat, he would hit them. ‘Never mind,’ said the traveller. ‘I’ll accept.’ As he was ravenous and was in no hurry to receive any blows, he ate everything he was offered, and as he continued to eat he saw his host becoming happier and happier. The time came when he really couldn’t eat any more; he did not get up but looked at the innkeeper as if still expecting something. ‘Well, now what are you waiting for?’ ‘For you to hit me.’ But the other man started laughing and said, ‘I’m not going to. If I hit people, it’s because for some reason they finish eating so quickly it prevents me from experiencing the joy of giving. But you ate very well.’ So, that is a warning for those who have their fill of heaven’s gifts too quickly: they will receive a few blows.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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- ‘If your eye is…
- ‘The Father and…
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