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Daily Meditation: Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Economy - true economy is to be careful and pay attention

Advances in technology are providing more and more devices and products to repair, patch up and clean all the mistakes and blunders made by humans – and what publicity there is for all these products! But no one seems interested in the psychological and moral aspects of the question, that is, how to make humans more conscious of their thoughts and gestures. Why be careful, why pay attention when there are pharmacies, hospitals, garages and laundry services? Extraordinary progress has been made in the external field, but in the inner areas of life, it is deplorable. And then we talk about the economy! True economy* is to be careful and sensible. The other economy, that of financial economists, is really nothing but spending and ruin. If you want to practise real economy and enrich yourself with treasures that you can use to help others, you must be more careful, enlightened, in control of yourself and sensible. It is as simple as that.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
