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Daily Meditation: Saturday, February 24, 2018

Divine energies - prepare channels so that they can circulate

To channel water, you dig ditches; to light your house, you install electric wires; and to receive radio and television programmes, you need equipment with circuits that will transmit sound and images. Why these examples? To help you understand that human beings need to inscribe something in themselves – circuits and channels – in order to capture divine energies and allow them to circulate. How can people think that God’s wisdom, love and willpower will find a path in them if they have prepared nothing, if they have not prepared the way? This path is etched by your actions, but also, of course, by the thoughts and feelings which anticipate these actions. If nothing is prepared, the divine energies which circulate in space will not flow to you, they will go elsewhere.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
