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Daily Meditation: Friday, February 17, 2012

Disciples - to evolve, must find the right attitude towards their Master

Not knowing what a Master can represent for them, some disciples do not know how to behave towards him. So they prevent him from being as useful to them as he could be and would like to be, thus hindering their own development. It is up to the disciple to discover how to relate to the Master, how to regard him and behave towards him. It is not for the Master to make recommendations on the matter. A true Master merely gives his teaching and allows his disciples freedom. He will never say, ‘You must respect me, admire me, obey me…’ Never. Firstly, because there is no point: you can never really impose respect, admiration or obedience. Then, because the Master does not need those things: he has other sources of joy and satisfaction. It is up to the disciples, for their own evolution, to find the best way to be in relation to their Master, whether he is still on earth or in the next world.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
