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Daily Meditation: Friday, January 3, 2025

Breathing - melt into the breathing of God

Those who understand what respiration truly means gradually feel their own breathing melt into that of God. Yes, for God also breathes: He exhales and a world appears; He inhales and a world disappears. God’s inhalations and exhalations take billions upon billions of years; this is what the sacred scriptures of India teach. They tell us that one day, God will breathe in and the universe will be swallowed up and return to nothingness. And then, once again, God will breathe out, and a new creation will appear. God’s breathing as it manifests through human beings is more rapid, but in the cosmos it is very, very slow. The slower our breathing, the closer we come to the rhythm of God’s breathing. It is advisable to breathe as slowly as possible,* for in doing so we prolong our life.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See the book Harmony and Health, chapter VI

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
